NAS Creation
1. Your (i) father (ii) mother (iii) grandfather
(iv) grandmother (v) Daughter (vi) brother
2. Your best friend 3.
Your neighbor 4. Your favorite teacher
5. A good
teacher 6. Your favorite sportsman
I am (wb‡Ri bvg) I have a favorite personality in my life and he/she is (wcÖq e¨w³i bvg). He is a (‡ckv). He is my (cwiPq). He is ….. Years old. His physical
construction is very attractive. He has tall and slim. He is fair skinned. He
looks quite handsome. He has all the good qualities. He is honest, brave,
truthful and gentle. He leads a very simple life. His fine behavior, neat and
clean personality and excellent activities charm all. (Though he is no more in
this world, his relic makes us shedding tears) He loves all kinds of people. He
helps all in danger. He performs social duties. He is a true patriot. His
contribution to the society/country is really great. He teaches all very
friendly. I have a good relation with him. I respect him so much. He loves me
also. We need some persons like him for our society at present. With the help
of such people, we can make our country a happier and prosperous one. All of us
should make our character as he has really the society requires people like
him. I am proud of having such a (cwiPq)
Avwg (...) Avgvi GKRb wcÖq e¨w³Z¡ Av‡Q
Avi wZwb n‡”Qb (Ñ) wZwb nb GKRb (Ñ), nq Avgvi (Ñ) Zvi eqm cÖvq 25-35 eQi| Zvi
kvixwiK MVb LyeB AvKl©bxq| †m A‡bK my`k©b| Zvi Mv‡qi is dm©v| Zvi mKj ¸b Av‡Q|
†m mr, mvnmx, mZ¨ev`x I f`ª| †m Lye
mvaviY Rxeb hvcb K‡i| Zvi my›`i e¨envi, D¾¡j PwiÎ mKj‡K gy» K‡i| hw`I wZwb AvR
†eu‡P bvB, Zvi ¯§„wZ Avgv‡`i AkÖy Sivq| †m mKj gvbyl‡K LyeB fv‡jvev‡mb, wec‡`
wZwb mKj‡K mvnvh¨ K‡ib| wZwb mvgvwRK KvR K‡ib| wZwb GKRb mwZ¨Kvi †`k‡cÖg| mgvR/‡`‡k
Zvi Ae`vb Acwimxg| wZwb mKj‡K Lye eÜz myjf fv‡e wkÿv †`b| Avgvi mv‡_ fvj m¤úK©
Av‡Q| Avwg Zv‡K Lye m¤§vb Kwi| †mI Avgv‡K fvjev‡mb| Avgv‡`i mgv‡R Zvi gZ wKQz
e¨w³ cÖ‡qvRb| Ggb †jv‡Ki mvnvh¨ Avgiv Avgv‡`i mgvR‡K AviI my›`i I DbœZ Ki‡Z
cvwi| Avgv‡`i mK‡ji DwPZ Zvi gZ PwiÎ MVb Kiv| mwZ¨B mgv‡Ri Zvi gZ e¨w³ cÖ‡qvRb|
Avwg Mwe©Z Zvi gZ e¨w³i mv‡_ m¤úK© _vKvi Kvi‡Y?
gvby‡li Rxeb bvbv¸‡b fiv| Zv‡`i g‡a¨
GKwU| GwU mdjZvi mePvB‡Z `vgx Ges ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Dcv`vb| (wel‡qi bvg) GKR‡bi Pwi·K
Av‡jvwKZ K‡i| hw` Avgiv c„w_exi gnr e¨w³‡`i Rxebx †`wL, Avgiv †`L‡ev Zviv mevB
GB ¸‡bi Kvi‡bB AgiZ¡ jvf K‡iwQj| Zviv mevB GB ¸bwUi DciB wbf©i K‡iwQj| (wel‡qi
bvg) ‡`Lv hvq bv| wKš‘ Gi cÖfve Lye †ewk| GwU memgq gvby‡li Rb¨ cyi¯‹vi e‡q
Av‡b| GwU Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask| †Kvb gvbyl GwU Qvov mdj n‡Z cv‡i bv|
(wel‡qi bvg) e‡jB gnr e¨w³iv Rxe‡b DbœwZ K‡iwQj| G Af¨vmwU Rxe‡bi ïie‡Z M‡o
I‡V| Avvgv‡`i DwPr Avgv‡`i |
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